Friday, January 28, 2011

Telluride, Colorado

Square images were shot with a Yashica Mat 124G and 35mm with a Canon A-1.

Everything Matters

Inspired by a quote from the novel Everything Matters! by Ron Currie Jr.

The main character describes a memory immediately post-utero; he is near death, having been strangled by the umbilical cord:
“Your expression— eyes closed but not clenched, face perfectly relaxed, tiny mouth agape— is one of perfect neutrality. This is the expression you should wear all your life, no matter how long or brief it is, so that no one, not even you, will ever know whether you are in ecstasy or anguish.”
I related immensely to these words, and wanted to replicate the feeling in the tangled and chaotic intertwining of branches. It is uncertain whether one should feel at rest viewing at this image or not.